Daily Bible Verse

Sunday, July 27, 2008

World Seasoning (Recap)

The sermon for the topic last CF meeting, World Seasoning was taken from Matthew 5:13-16. The short summary about it:

Who are we?
We are the reflector of the Light to others
-1 Peter 2:9-10
-2 Cor 4:5-7
Fixing our eyes on Jesus should be our true motivation in life
(Hebrew 12:1-2)

What is salt?
(A) Salt is a noticeable flavor changer
Are we, Christian, changing the situation we’re in?
-Roman 10:12-15
-Acts 11:19-23

Salt is used as a preservative
Are we holding together our unity in Christ, not allowing our faith become stale?

Salt water is a conductor
Are we a catalyst of God’s word to be manifested in our life?
Are we allowing God to work through us to make a difference in peoples’ life?
-James 1:21-24
-James 2: 14-17

Sometimes, we can lose our saltiness by:
(A) lack of accountability
(B) loss of motivation (Rev 3:14-16, 1 Cor 12:1-3)

However, God NEVER leaves us nor forsake us.
He is going to use us mightily if we allow Him to.

Some ways to come back to God and gain our saltiness back:
Confess to God our sins
-Read the Word
-Seek Godly wisdom
-Pray (for the nation and our family and friends)

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