Daily Bible Verse

Sunday, December 2, 2007

?...ACT(Tuesday, December 4th 2007)

For more info, contact:Louis:016-4674487

and for information regarding transport, contact Jia Tsing:0124140901

*Please note that prayer meeting is on every Friday 1.15pm at Old Fosee Building

*For any inquiries please don't hesitate to email us at mmucfmalacca@gmail.com

mmucf 07/08

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

God's pathway(27th November 2007)

God's pathway

Speaker: Brother Wong Fook Meng

For more info, contact:Louis:016-4674487

and for information regarding transport, contact Jia Tsing:0124140901

*Please note that prayer meeting is on every Friday 1.15pm at Old Fosee Building

*For any inquiries please don't hesitate to email us at mmucfmalacca@gmail.com

mmucf 07/08

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What's up next week??

The Victorious Christian Life
Speaker: Brother Robert
Venue: Youth Alive Centre (Taman Bunga Raya)

For more info, contact:

and for information regarding transport, contact
Jia Tsing:0124140901

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Friday, November 9, 2007

Triple the Fun

Triple Fun Night( 13 November 2007)

Meet up as usual at Youth Alive Centre, Taman Bunga Raya, 7.45pm

Come in sports attire and wear comfortable shoes please

See ya there.

For more info, contact:


and for more information regarding transport, contact
Jia Tsing:012-4140901
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Sunday, November 4, 2007

What is on this week

Cf meeting will be as usual this coming Tuesday(6th November 2007)

The Effective Christian Life
Speaker: Ps Tan
Venue: Youth Alive Centre(Taman Bunga Raya)

For more info, contact:

and for information regarding transport, contact
Jia Tsing:0124140901

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Next week

Next week will be the last Cf meeting for this semester, so make sure you will be there.Cheers

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

God of all Grace

  • Next Tuesday(18 September 2007)

Topic: God of all grace
Speaker: Dr Tan Soo Inn
Time: 7.45pm
Venue: Youth Alive Centre( YAC)

To find out more on the ministry that Dr Tan Soo Inn is in click : Grace at work.

  • prayer meeting is on as usual, every Friday at Fosee block, 1.15pm

contact Richard Goh:
016-2192660 for more info.

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Friday, September 7, 2007

Next week and other updates

  • Next week( 11 September 2007)

L.O.S.T (person in charge: Julian Leong)

  • Malacca Camp updates!!!
  1. Please register yet for those who haven't.
  2. Please pay up if you had register already.
  3. Please visit the website to vote for you t-shirt size.

*Just visit here or Malacca Camp 07 cofor more info for updates in the near future or ntact Elysia at :0164337588 for more inquiries.

mmucf 07/08

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

  • Okays peeps!!! Here is the deal. The Malacca Camp committees has been busy preparing for the camp that we are going to have soon and now they want to have your feedback regarding t-shirt sizes. So just want to direct you guys to the blog. Click here for more info: Malacca Camp

  • Next week on CF(4th September 2007):

Topic: So you think you can?
Venue: Youth Alive Centre( YAC), Bunga Raya
Time: 7.45pm

  • This coming Friday( 31st August 2007), prayer meeting will be at 7.00am!!!!! at YAC. For more info, contact Richard Goh at:016-2192660
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The coming weeks

  • Next week, on Cf( 28th August 2007) P&W Night;Prayer for the nation
  • FES(Fellowship of Evangelical Students), Malacca is having a Wordilicious Investigator bible study on the book of Haggai. Dates are as follows:
  1. August 27
  2. September 3
  3. September 17

For more info on WI, contact Lian Chui at 0192182497

  • for those interested in being part of the mission team to Cameron Highlands, contact Khoo Jansen at : 012-9704957

  • And those who are interested in being part of the dancing team for this year's upcoming Christmas play, do contact Debbie 0126301213, for registration

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Malacca Camp 2007

Malacca Camp is back!!(Woohoo!!!). Details are as follows:

15th - 17th October 2007
Venue: Pusat Rekreasi Air Balok, Kuantan
Price: RM65 (excluding transport and t-shirt)
Theme: BIBLE(Colossians 2:6-7)

Please take note that the publicity team is inviting everyone in the cf to design the t-shirt for this year's Malacca Camp. Concepts and designing of the t-shirt is at your own discrepency but must be in-line with the theme of the camp. The closing date for the t-shirt designing will be on the 4th of September 2007.

get your registration form now, from Elysia, Aimie or Joshua.

for more info on Malacca Camp, please contact Elysia at :0164337588

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

CF 10th Anniversary update:
For those who are coming for the CF's 10 Anniversary(18th August 2007), let it be known that the meeting point for transportation is as follows:

Meeting point: Southern Friend Chicken, Emerald Park
Meeting time:12.00pm

Please be punctual.

For more information regarding transport,contact Louis at: 016-4674487

Next week on CF:

Topic: Accountability to God
Speaker: Pastor Phillip Sung
Date: 21st August 2007( Tuesday)
Venue: Youth Alive Centre, Taman Bunga Raya
Time: 7.45pm

Transport meeting point is as follows
7.30pm- Ixora Foodcourt
7.45pm- Southern Fried Chicken

Contact Jia Tsing for transport inquiries: 012-4140901
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Sunday, August 12, 2007

the week after the midterm

Ladies and gentlemen, Cf is as usual tomorrow.

Theme: You're a living stone
Speaker: Pastor Joshua
Time: 7.45pm
Venue: Youth Alive Centre( YAC), Taman Bunga Raya

For transport matters, contact
Jia Tsing: 012-4140901

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Taking a break

There will be no Cf next week due to midterm break.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Kam Cheng Night

It is to be known that tomorrow night there will be Kam Cheng Night instead of the sermon by Pastor Joshua. Sorry for the misinterpretation of information. See ya there.

Date: 31st July(Tuesday)
Venue: Youth Alive Centre

There will be a van that will be waiting for people at two places and those places are at the Ixora foodcourt and Emerald Park ( in front of Southern Fried Chicken)

For transport inquiries, please contact:

Jia Tsing: 012-4140901

For more info on Kam Cheng Night, contact
Louis :

mmucf 07/08

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

short updates

There will be a practice for the Cf's 10th Anniversary Celebration. Details are as follows

Date: 25th July 2007(Wednesday)
Time: 8 pm
Venue: Youth Alive Centre (YAC)

LOTS of help is needed for this event. So please do come for this practice ya.

Contact Lucius for more info at :016-4645407

Next, we have the prayer slots for the 40 days prayer and fasting, and it is as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
1000 - 1100 Jia Tsing Jan Sen Joash Jan Sen
1100 - 1200 Joash Wayne Jia Tsing Richard
1200 - 1300 Jan Sen Shih Wen Richard Joash
1300 - 1400 Shih Wen Joash Wayne Shih Wen
1400 - 1500 Wayne Jia Tsing Shih Wen Wayne

The meeting point for this 40 days of prayer will be held at the Astaka. For those of you who don't know where the Astaka is located, it is at the row of blue colored plastic seats overlooking the football field at our campus. So please do come and pray and make a big impact for our nation.

Contacts :

Jia Tsing 012-4140901
Jan Sen 012-9704957
Wayne 012-9173879
Shih Wen 012-9536955
Joash 012-2659498

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Intone; next week

Intone Band from Australia will be coming to Cf next Tuesday(24th July 2007).

Here is a snippet of their music:

Remember to bring your friends along too.

To know more about them , click: Intone Band
mmucf 07/08

Monday, July 16, 2007

CF 10th Anniversary

It's a great pleasure to inform all of you out there that the tickets for our Cf's 1oth Anniversary celebration is up and ready for purchase.

Date: Saturday, 18th August 2007
Venue: Mahkota Hotel, Malacca
Time: 2:00 - 9:30pm
Tickets: Graduates:RM 80

For more inquiries, contact:
Justin Lee: 0122757056
Su Be: 0166735342

or e-mail us your inquiries to this address: mmucfmalacca@gmail.com

Remember to bookmark this page for further updates. Official CF 10th Anniversary blog: "WE ARE ONE"

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What's ahead?

NECF Malaysia is once again having it's fast and prayer for the nation; and this is to fulfill the prayer commission given by God which is is to develop a strong prayer movement for great awakening and transformation in the nation. This year's theme for the 40 days fast and prayer is "Church The Transforming Agent". The details for the Malacca launch would be as follows:

Venue: Calvary Life Assembly, Chinese Church at Cheng Baru.
Date: 20th July, Friday
Person in charge: Ps Joanne

For more info and inquiries, you can contact Pastor Joanne at:019-6266804

For more click NECF

Next week on Cf :

Date: 17 July 2007 (Tuesday)
Youth Alive Centre
Time: 7.45pm

See ya there.

mmucf 07/08

Friday, July 6, 2007

what is happening next week?

NEXT Tuesday CF( 10th July 07)

Malam Suai Kenal is an inter fellowship event between MMUCF and Chinese Cf (MYCF) of Malacca.

There will be makan-makan,sketches, fellowship, etc ...

Make sure you are free for this event yeah, because the more people the more merrier it would be

and don't forget:

they will be an audition for the Cf's worship team on the following day.( Wed-11th July 2007)

For those of you who feel that it's your time to serve the Lord in this ministry
please do come for this particular audition..See ya there.

Venue: Youth Alive Centre(YAC)

For more info on worship team audition contact Jeremy Thien(worship team co-ordinator) at:016-5527179

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Calling for all defenders of Christ

This coming Friday(6th July 2007), the Cf will be organizing an apologetics workshop at Youth Alive Center from the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries(RZIM)team.

The two speakers for this two days workshop will be:

I'Ching Thomas

L.T. Jeyachandran


7:30 pm -Matt. 22:37Loving God wholly (by L.T)
8:30 pm -Break
8:45 pm -* “Things that matter” (by I'Ching)
9:30 pm -Q & A
10:00 pm -Ends

9:30 am- Understanding the Trinity (by L.T)
10:30 am- Q & A
11:00 am -Break
11:30 am -"Sharing our faith relevantly: asking questions that matter" (by I'Ching)
1:00 pm -Q & A
1:30 pm -Ends

For more inquiries contact Louis at:016-4674487

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Monday, July 2, 2007

Our Inheritance

Cf is on tomorrow

Venue: Youth Alive Centre

Time: 7.45pm


What inheritance might that be? Want to know more?

Make sure you come to YAC tomorrow to find out.

Be there or be squared.

mmucf 07/08

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Few important announcements :

For more inquiries on Caregroup contact Jia Tsing@012-4140901

and on another note,

Prayer meeting is on this Friday

-Venue: Old FOSEE building fourth floor( will change depending on availability of room)


For further inquiries contact Richard Goh@016-2192660

mmucf 07/08

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Malacca Tour 2007

Dear Alpha. No plans for next weekend? Bored? Wanted to always have a visit around Malacca but can seem to find a way to do it? Well, we have an awesome activity line up for you next Saturday and details are as follows :

When: 30th June 2007, Saturday(whole day)

Meet at : Emerald Park,

Bukit Beruang

@ 8.44 am

(Breakfast not included)

Bring along: *Student ID (for discount),

*RM15 for transport & zoo,
*extra money for makan,
*umbrella, cap, water,etc…

Attire: Casual & Comfy
(a lot of walking)

Remember to bring along your alphas friends too for a jolly good time of fellowship, eating, making new friends and sight-seeing of Malacca.

For more info contact:

Grace : 016-7887300

Jonathan :012-5988561

Remember to pray for good weather also yah =)

mmucf 07/08