Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, August 23, 2008

MMUCF is now an official, registered club in MMU!!

Dear MMUCF-ers, both past and present,

As the subject of the post says...MMUCF is now a registered club of MMU Melaka. The process of registering the CF started at the end of June 2008, and we have received confirmation from the authorities on 23 August 2008. Only one phrase to sum it all, To God Be The Glory.

We are registered as MMUCS (MMU Christian Society), which consists of 3 divisions: ECF(English Christian Society...that's us!), CCF(Chinese Christian Society) and CSF(Catholic Students Society). The governing body of MMUCS will be the Executive Committee (EXCO). A total of 6 members make up the EXCO, 2 from each division. A special meeting will be held on 8th September 2008, 8pm at YAC to further explain the system/structure of the new formed club. So do make it for the meeting for a better view and understanding of MMUCS.

Do uphold the CF in prayer, as we make this transition, as we face the challenges and changes up ahead. Pray for the new formed club too, that all three bodies may be united in the Lord Jesus, and that MMUCS will have the favour of the authorities. Let MMUCS be a vessel for the great works of the Kingdom of God.

To God be the glory, and may we glorify Him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What they don't teach you in varsity??

What they don't teach you in varsity?? I also don't know. So come next CF meeting and find out yourself. ^^

The details of next CF meeting:
Next week (26th August, Tuesday): What they don't teach you in varsity?

Speaker: Mr. Chee Kong Chi

Time: 8.00 p.m.

Venue: Y.A.C.

Transport: Jia Tsing (012-4140901)
Ixora (7.30p.m.) EP (7.45p.m.)

Books from Ravi Zechariahs International Ministries

People.. Good news!! There are a few good books given to our CF by Ravi Zechariahs International Ministries. The books are very well recommended. Feel like borrowing all that home to read?? Now you got the chance to borrow it.

But for the safe keeping of the books, they are with John Zechariah (0162122604) right now. So if you are interested to borrow the books, please contact him to make the necessary arrangements.

The books available now are:
1. Engage Booklets: January to March Issue (2 copies)
2. Engage Booklets: April to June Issue (3 copies)
3. Appologia: Science and Religion - The Interface (3 copies)
4. Appologia: Our Knowledge of God - The Incarnation (1 copy)
5. Appologia: The Problem of Evil and Sufferring (1 copy)
6. Appologia: The Origins Debate (1 copy)
7. Appologia: Is there Life After Death (3 copies)
8. Appologia: The Nature of God (2 copies)
9. Appologia: The New Spirituality (3 copies)
10.Appologia: A Response to The Da Vinci Code (3 copies)
11.God, Are You There? (1 copy)
12.Is Everything Really Relative? (1 copy)
13.Science: Christian Perspectives For The New Millenium (1 copy)
14. What Is The Soul? (1 copy)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jesus' Commission (Recap)

A short summary for last CF meeting from Bro. Michael William..

Deu 6:4:

Fundamentals of Chrisitianity

-the Lord is God alone

-we have to love him, fear him, follow his ways, serve him with all our hearts and soul.

That was exactly what Jesus did when he was on earth. Check out the temptation of Jesus. Matt 4:1-10

Jesus was our perfect example of what God wanted man to be here on earth..

So, remember God is always there for us. We got to draw ourselves near to him at all time. Most important things is Jesus' Commission and Fundamental Christianity. ^^

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jesus' Commission

From picture above, can you guess what is the topic for this coming CF meeting?? Yes, you are correct, is Jesus' Commission!! Actually stated at the title of this post already.. Haha.. Anyway, the details for this coming CF meeting are:

Next week (19th August, Tuesday): Jesus' Commision

Speaker: Bro. Michael William

Verses: Matthew 5:17-20

Time: 8.00pm

Venue: YAC

Transport: Ixora (7.30pm) and EP (7.45pm)

Any inquires?? Please contact Jia Tsing (012-4140901). See you~~

MI Tuesday (Recap)

Some short summary for the MI Tuesday which is the title for last CF meeting and conducted by Lian Chui and David from FES..

-MI stands for Missionary Identity.

-Our campus is our mission field.

-Lian Chui asked us to split up into our faculties and place yellow dots representing Christians and green dots representing non-Christians on a piece of paper.

-All of the faculties had green dots swarming around the yellow dots.

-Why are we the minority in our individual faculties?

-How should we reach out to the people in our faculties? WWJD (aka What Would Jesus Do)?

-David came up and asked us to have the heart to reach out to our friends whom are non-Christians and love them.

-We were given cards of which our non-Christian friend's name(s) were written on it and placed in a box.

-We were also given a Missionary Identity Card, signed by ourselves and another fellow brother/sister.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Next Meeting (12th August): MI Tuesday!
Persons-in-charge: Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) Workers

Hey!! Everyone can take a rest during this midterm break, right? Therefore, the CF meeting right after the midterm break is the time for us to do something urgent!!
It will be conducted by the FES workers. What are they going to do? I also don't know. If you want to know, as usual, come and find out.. Haha..

By the way, there will be NO CF MEETING during this midterm break. So, see you after the break!.. ^^