Daily Bible Verse

Friday, March 11, 2011

Unity in Diversity (Recap)

Previous cf, Pastor Tan shared with us on the topic Unity in Diversity which is taken from the passage Ephesians 4:1-16. He talked about the 3 main points that can be found in the passage - Unity in Spirit, Diversity in Expression, and Community in growth. There will be great strength when we STAY TOGETHER!

1. Unity in Spirit
- We are already one in the body of Christ, and we are asked to keep it that way.
- Deuteronomy 6:4
- We have one hope, one Lord, one faith and one baptism, one God and one Father of all.
- Though we are different (different taste, different likes and dislikes), but in Christ Jesus, we are ONE.

2. Diversity in Expression
- To each, gifts (empowerment, prophecy, etc...) has been given.
- Giftings different, works of service also different.
- Our different has a purpose. To prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (verse 12).

3. Community in growth

- We are to be growing community (not just number but quality in maturity, disicpline and knowledge of God).
- The word "grow" suggest that we are not there yet.
- We're in the process and Jesus is the transformer!
- Love is essential for those rough edges in our relationship with others.

In conclusion, there are three Cs that we need to do as a student.
Calling (verse 1) - Be obedient.
Character (verse 2) - Be completely HUMBLE
Commitment (verse 3) - Be committed

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