Daily Bible Verse

Sunday, August 17, 2008

MI Tuesday (Recap)

Some short summary for the MI Tuesday which is the title for last CF meeting and conducted by Lian Chui and David from FES..

-MI stands for Missionary Identity.

-Our campus is our mission field.

-Lian Chui asked us to split up into our faculties and place yellow dots representing Christians and green dots representing non-Christians on a piece of paper.

-All of the faculties had green dots swarming around the yellow dots.

-Why are we the minority in our individual faculties?

-How should we reach out to the people in our faculties? WWJD (aka What Would Jesus Do)?

-David came up and asked us to have the heart to reach out to our friends whom are non-Christians and love them.

-We were given cards of which our non-Christian friend's name(s) were written on it and placed in a box.

-We were also given a Missionary Identity Card, signed by ourselves and another fellow brother/sister.

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